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Beckam’s Baptism Day

It was a very special day when we baptized Beck.  He is such a happy boy and so excited to receive the Holy Ghost and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of  Latter-Day Saints!  He had a rough week to start though!  He had a nasty flu bug which had made him sick for about 5 days prior to his baptism.  We all thought he would be better but the night before the baptism, he was really sick.  He was also so worried why he wasn’t getting better.  We asked him if he wanted a blessing and he immediately said “YES! I know it will make me feel better!” So we called Uncle Trent and had him come over.  Shortly after the blessing, Beck was up running around and feeling back to his old self.  He woke up the next morning and was ready to go be baptized!

It was a wonderful morning.  He was baptized with one other boy in another ward.  The 2 missionaries spoke and did an ok job.  I thought they could have made it more kids oriented and were a bit too serious for the 8 yr old boys.  After that, we went into  the baptism room and watched him get baptized.  Then, while we were waiting for him to get dressed, Ellek played his guitar as well as Klein on the piano.  They did a superb job!  I was so proud of them!  It was during this time that people that came were writing congratulations and well wishes for Beck.  After he came in, our Bishop spoke and did a wonderful job.  After that we too pictures and everyone came over to have lunch.  It was a lovely day!  Poor little Beck started to feel sick once again after the baptism was over.  I felt so bad for him.  He wanted so badly to play and eat with everyone but wanted to go lay in his bed.  It was great though that he felt good enough to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost.  I was so proud of him and the great choice he made.  I love you soooooo much Beck a boo Speedracer!!!


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Being sick is NO fun for anyone!

Wowzers! Did we ever get slammed with the flu bug this year!  Three of our monkey’s got the flu..Romy, Cruz and Beckam.  The boys were hit the hardest.  They were sick with throw up, high fever, diarrhea then intense stomach pains.  This nasty bug lasted for each person 10 days!!!  It was awful! I especially felt bad for Speedracer.  He was sick for two important events.  His first piano Encore performance and his Baptism.  He was a trooper though.  He put on a happy face and you would have never known how sick he was.  After each event, he immediately came home and laid in bed and screamed in pain.  I felt so bad for all of them!  It was the WORST!!!  I never want to have this bug in our house again!

I took some other pictures on my iPhone of the ninja Cruz so here is just the sick princess.  It wasn’t a fun 5 days for her and ME!  I’m glad we are all better now and I have time to get things done.


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Crazzzzy Cruz

I love to watch my kids sleep.  It’s kinda an obsession I have had for 14 years.  I think it is so serial and peaceful to watch them, especially if you have had a hard day with the little monkeys.  It is my way of forgive and forget and just love!  Sometimes I kiss so hard I wake the monkey up.  Then it just gives me a chance to cuddle and smell them more.  I really do enjoy my “job”!  It is one of my greatest joys in life.

May I introduce the crazzzy sleeper of the house?  Mr. Cruz!


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Loose me in FOREVA in paradise

Each year, Cory’s company, School Improvement Network, takes their top salespeople on a cruise.  This year was the Caribbean. Our stops were Grand Cayman, Jamaica and Haiti.  It was paradise!  Time together was awesome!  The sun, fun and most of all relaxation!  When can we go again??

Sitting by ocean in Jamaica..sorry its blurry..can’t count on strangers to take a good photo! Maybe they were distracted by the scenery??

Car ride views of Jamaica

Living Legend Usain Bolt..The World’s Fastest Man.. Trained at this High School in Jamacia.  Kids were showing off and running around the “track” for us in Jamaica.

No explanation needed..we are a little TOO excited to not be chasing around 5 kids!

Relaxing poolside!

Pondering at Grand Cayman

Our super fun friends, the Moore’s and Peterson’s..In case you are wondering… I AM NOT pregnant!  The wind is just blowing up my dress!!

Touching sting rays in the ocean..yeah..I’ll pass on that one!  They are called Sting Rays for a reason people!!!! It was a fun ride out to the sand bar though.  Rode jet skis and couldn’t beat the sun and fun at Grand Cayman!


Yeah…we think vacations are more fun without kids! Playing at the beach in Haiti

Ok why didn’t someone tell me I need a freakin’ TAN!  Ugggghhh So this man really wanted to cut down a coconut from the tree.  Humm I wonder why?

My Jamaica friend making souvenirs for my little ones back home..

I took more pictures but reality is setting in and I probably won’t get around to editing them so I think this will have to do for now..

Until next year!!  Thanks SINET for a lovely time and what a great bunch of employees we have!


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shauna - Love your pics Lisa!!! My fav is the 3rd one from the bottom! Don’t think I would ever be brave enough to be jumping up and down in my swimsuit!!!!!!! 😀

My Familia

Could it be?  FIVE kids are ours?  If you would have asked me 20 years ago…living in New York City,  living the dream, going to graduate school and being a “dink”….”How many kids do you wish to have?” We would have openly and gladly said “TWO” !  Welp, that didn’t happen and boy are we glad!!  We love our children so so much!  Each and every one has a special place in our heart.  So V.E.R.Y.individual!  I really can’t believe that Ellek is 14, Klein is 11, Beckam is 8, Cruz is 4 and Romy is 2.  Seriously?  Where does the time go and how quickly it seeps away.  Just yesterday I was wishing that my little babies would learn how to walk, eat on their own, sleep through the night, change messy diapers, nurse on demand etc…  Now we wish to stop the clock and freeze all of them!!!!

This fall, we splurged and had family photos taken.  You see, I am always the one behind the camera.  It was a treat to have someone else take care of business!  The kids did great.  It was super fun and not even stressful (once we arrived) and it was surprisingly relaxing!  It was so exciting to see how someone else would see our kids and their personalities. A perfect capture to say the least!

It took a bit to get them all back but boy was it worth the wait in gold!  Thanks Diana!  I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!


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shauna - BEAUTIFUL family Lisa!!!! Love you!